Medifood is a medical nutrition company offering condition-specific nutritional products for people affected by disease-related malnutrition.



Our development process is based on our principally different approach to medical nutrition, such as every nutritional product or FSMP (Food for Special Medical Purposes) should cater for the specific needs of the specific medical conditions and diseases. According to that principle we develop our products based on current scientific research concerning the specific disease and involving patients suffering from the illness. In correspondence with the scientific data, and the evidence gathered from our patient profiles we devise the means to best answer the particular needs and priorities of each condition.

Malnutrition can be a consequence of many majorly different diseases, and we strongly believe it is important to create products that are beneficial for patient with these conditions. For instance, a cystic fibrosis patient has different nutritional needs than a patient suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. Certain nutrients might be beneficial to the former, others for the latter. Including one nutrient might be a priority for one, excluding another might be crucial for the other. E.g.: Nutrition based on low-carbohydrate and thus high fat-source energy compared to a high-carbohydrate-low-fat diet improves respiratory parameters in patients with compromised respiratory functions.

These principles govern our development process and impelled us to create our condition-specific clinical nutrition product protfolio. Since the development of our first product in 2008,  our condition-specific product portfolio has almost been completed.

There are currently nine products available in our condition-specific portfolio addressing the special needs of the following conditions: cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,cystic fibrosis, inflammatory bowel disease, malnutrition in the case of elderly patients, surgery and reduced glucose tolerance. Further 3 condition-specific nutrition products are under development and notification.